On September 23rd the team hosted a stakeholder visioning event at the Lights Theatre. Local businesses, creatives, community groups and councillors were invited to join us for an evening of idea generating, to help move the vision for Andover town centre forward.
Attendees were split in to working groups and tasked with producing their own vision for the town centre. At the end of the evening each group presented their thoughts.
Suggestions included:
Improving connections between Vigo Park and the town centre / River Anton
High Street to be utilised as a social / events space.
Improve appearance and appeal of alleyways off the High Street to encourage better footfall and movement through the town centre
Create an accessible and inviting walking / cycling route along the River Anton from the new Town Mills development to the ‘Cultural Quarter’.
Encourage an evening economy through the redevelopment of the Chantry Centre
Improve connections from the rail station
Consolidate car parking to a few key locations
Cafes / restaurants overlooking the River Anton
Re-locate The Lights Theatre to town centre
Create opportunity for younger people to live and work in the town centre