Artist impression from the Andover masterplan
Take a look at the proposals for Andover’s new theatre
The new venue will be located at the entrance to the Chantry Centre and will offer modern facilities including a state-of-the-art multi-level auditorium, a separate performance and event space, a range of studios, meeting rooms and cafes/bars.
Drop-in exhibition
Visit one of our upcoming drop-in exhibition sessions at the former O2 unit, next to Andover Library, where you will have the chance to see the designs and chat to the project team:
Thursday 27 February: 2pm to 7pm
Saturday 1 March: 10am to 1pm
We look forward to sharing these exciting plans with you.
Project update: Council approves plans to demolish former Poundstretcher unit
January 2025
Plans have been approved to demolish the former Poundstretcher unit at the entrance to the Chantry Centre, which will become the location for Andover’s brand new theatre.
Read more here and see some answers to frequently asked questions below:
Once the application has been approved and a contractor has been appointed, we expect the demolition process to begin late spring 2025.
The unit was originally built and designed for commercial purposes. It is a concrete structure with pillars and in order to give Andover a state-of-the-art theatre with a multi-level auditorium, the existing unit must be demolished to allow for the development of a completely new building which will meet the needs of the community.
Yes, you will still be able to access the Chantry Centre from Andover High Street when the demolition takes place. The entrance may be narrowed slightly to accommodate the demolition site, but the entrance will remain open as normal.
All shops will remain open as normal and we will be liaising with retailers in and around the entrance to the Chantry Centre during this process.
The exact dates will be confirmed once a contractor has been appointed, though we expect the demolition process to take a few months to complete.
You can view the planning application on the council website here: View Planning and Building Applications | Test Valley Borough Council
Luckily the unit is self-contained, meaning there will be no need to close any roads or access points during demolition. The council will be working closely with the contractor to ensure minimal disruption and we will be liaising with nearby business and residents throughout.
As soon as we have more information about the demolition we will publish updates on our website. We also look forward to sharing details about our plans for the new theatre in early 2025.
Location of the new theatre, Unit 62
Project update: Spotlight on Andover as national architects appointed to deliver new theatre.
July 2024
Aidan Ridyard and Helen Grassly of BFF, Cllr Phil North and Kit Malthouse MP, outside of the location for the new theatre.
Test Valley Borough Council has appointed national architects Burrell Foley Fischer (BFF) to design and deliver a new theatre for Andover.
The leading architectural practice saw off strong competition from a shortlist of six top consultancies to secure the contract. They will be working closely with other local and national businesses on the project and the team is now set to hit the ground running - with a planning application expected later this year. Demolition and construction starting in 2025, ahead of completion in 2026 and opening in early 2027.
A new theatre is coming to Andover
Andover is set to take centre stage as plans to construct a brand new theatre are moving ahead. The theatre will be a pivotal part of the future vision for town centre, as set out in the Andover Masterplan. The new venue will be transformational for the area, supporting local businesses, bringing communities together, providing a range of entertainment and celebrating creativity.
The need for a new theatre was first identified during the development of the Masterplan, where more than 4,100 people contributed their thoughts about the future changes they wanted to see in the town. The results from this widespread public engagement showed that almost 80% of Andover residents highlighted the need for a new theatre.
The town’s current theatre, The Lights, delivers a varied programme of shows each year and offers facilities such as meeting spaces, studios and a café. However over time the popularity of the theatre has meant that it is now oversubscribed and needs to expand to continue to meet the demands of the community.
Since the adoption of the Masterplan we have been moving forward with our plans to construct a new home for the Lights. To bring us closer to lifting the stage curtain, Andover has recently been awarded £18.3m from round three of the Government's Levelling Up Fund and some of this funding will be used to construct the new theatre. The money awarded to the town was the result of the council’s work in developing the masterplan following strong public support for change. We have also been developing a cultural programme of events and markets to showcase all of talent and creativity that is nestled in the heart of Andover and this development will help to expand this programme further.
Being in a strong financial position, we have allocated £3.74m to put towards architect and technical services and, in addition to the Levelling Up Funding received, have approved a funding package to progress our regeneration plans. This is an incredibly exciting time for the town and we are now working hard to put this significant project in motion.
The venue will be situated at the entrance to the Chantry Centre, in what was previously the Poundstretcher unit. The unit was originally built and designed for commercial purposes and is a concrete structure with pillars. In order to give Andover a state-of-the-art theatre with a multi-level auditorium, the existing unit must be demolished to allow for the development of a completely new building.
The new venue will be well positioned at the top of the High Street, opposite the Guildhall, and will be central to the long-term vision for Andover. Moving The Lights into the new location will:
Enhance the town's daytime and evening economy
Revitalise the High Street
Connect different groups and organisations
Offer modern spaces for creativity
Encourage people into Andover to support local businesses
Provide new community spaces
Seat more than 400 audience members in a larger auditorium
The current Lights theatre will continue to operate as normal until the new theatre is ready to open and we look forward to welcoming audiences into the venue in 2027.
A lot of work is now underway to prepare for bringing this project to life, along with other aspects of the town centre masterplan, such as the development of a riverside park alongside the River Anton at Western Avenue. Both projects will take time to complete, and we will be able to share more updates as they progress.
If you would like to keep up to date with what’s happening, you can sign up to receive our regeneration email newsletter here: Test Valley Borough Council - Andover town centre regeneration (
Your theatre questions answered
If you’d like to find out more about the new theatre, take a look at some of our FAQs:
What will happen to the existing Lights building?
Before moving to its new home, The Lights will continue to operate in its current building. We are currently reviewing future plans for how the existing building will be used in future.
Will the Chantry Centre need to be knocked down to accommodate the theatre?
When the location for the new theatre is readied for construction to begin, part of the entrance to the Chantry Centre will also be demolished and moved back. The Chantry Centre will remain fully operational during this time, with the remaining three entrances staying open. No shops will be lost during these works.
What will happen to shops near the entrance of the Chantry Centre and on Waterloo Court?
We will be working closely with businesses in the Chantry Centre and Waterloo Court during the pre-construction phases. Whilst there will likely be some access changes during building works, we are looking to ensure minimal disruption where possible.
Will the museum and library move into the new theatre?
The Levelling Up Funding award, made to Test Valley Borough Council in November 2023, was the culmination of the extensive work that went into the masterplan for the town centre and an application process that took place over a two-year period. The award was based on an application that drew out specific regeneration projects from the agreed masterplan, namely the development of Western Avenue and a new multi-purpose theatre. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUCH) made its decision to award the £18.3m based on this application, with strict guidelines that the funding can only be used for the projects detailed. The application did not include the Andover Museum or the library which is not contained within the masterplan.
What will happen to the large tree outside of the new theatre location?
The large tree will remain in place at the top of the High Street and will be incorporated in the design for the exterior of the new theatre.
Will there be a cafe/bar in the new theatre?
Yes. It's too early to say what this will include, but the new venue will have a food/ drink offering.
Will tickets cost more?
Ticket prices are determined by many different factors, such as the scale of the production and the ticket price point of a show on its tour. As is the case now, ticket prices vary between shows and it will not be possible to say how much tickets for different shows at the new venue will cost.
Why spend all that money on a new theatre when there are other things to consider, like the cost of living crisis?
The new theatre is central to the town's masterplan and the future of Andover. It will make Andover a place that people can be proud of, building civic pride and having a positive impact on how residents feel about the place in which they live.
By offering more seats for performances and a larger space for activities, we can encourage more people into Andover, to support local retailers, provide new opportunities for businesses and help revitalise the town.
Will there still be space for local groups who currently use The Lights? Will prices go up?
Yes, the new venue will provide spaces for local groups to use, as well as the auditorium. At the moment prices have not been determined but will be set using all the same factors that determine the current hiring fees at The Lights.
Will the new theatre have parking?
The Chantry Centre multistorey car park is located directly opposite the new venue and will remain open as a parking facility.
Will you still have a large area with soft seating and space for pushchairs?
At this stage we cannot say exactly what types of furniture or seating will be available in the new venue, but we will ensure the venue is accessible and can continue to accommodate current and new visitors.
Will the area be safe to walk around at night after seeing a show?
Bringing the theatre into the heart of the town will open up so many opportunities for a busy evening economy and we look forward to seeing more restaurants and other venues opening in the evening, meaning there will more activity and people around the theatre before and after a show. There will also be more parking available just a short walk away for theatre-goers.
Updated February 2025
The FAQ page will be updated again in early March to include the common themes raised at the public engagement sessions on 27th February and 1st, March at the former O2 shop at the Chantry Centre.