Andover town centre masterplan
In 2020 Test Valley Borough Council adopted a masterplan for Andover, which was developed with nationally renowned consultants HemingwayDesign and NEW masterplanning.
The vision for the town was created using feedback from more than 1,100 people who shared their views on the emerging vision, along with the 3,000 responses to our initial public survey.
Below you can take a look through the final masterplan report, which outlines an exciting new era for the town. We have also created three flythrough videos, focusing on the Wellbeing Quarter, the River Anton and the Chantry Centre, which will take you on a journey through Andover and demonstrate how the rejuvenated town centre could look.
Andover masterplan report
Click here to read and download the Final Masterplan Report for Andover town centre.
You can also view each individual chapter from the masterplan document below:
Executive Summary Outlines the inclusive design and engagement process, the issues and opportunities that have informed the study and vision for the future.
Baseline Assessment Describes how Andover operates as a town centre and our analysis of its historic, social, economic, environmental and built context, as well as its movement patterns.
Spatial Framework Presents the overarching spatial strategy that underpins the proposals, including movement strategy, approach to the Ring Road and parking, and public realm strategy.
Area Masterplans Presents the illustrative masterplans for the four priority areas highlighted in the Spatial Framework, the Chantry Centre, the Wellbeing Quarter, Western Avenue/River Corridor and Eastern Avenue / Vigo Park.
Action Plan Outlines the key steps needed to progress delivery of the Area Masterplans and the measures needed to be undertaken in the meantime to enhance the town centre.
The Andover Profile was used to help shape the final masterplan. This report provides a ‘profile’ of Andover and the town centre, including demographics, socio-economic factors and property market context.
Flythrough Videos
The below videos were developed to show the high level proposals set -out in the masterplan, they are not accurate representations of how the final regeneration plans will look. Please look at our regeneration project pages to see the latest updates.
Watch three flythrough videos of the Chantry Centre, River Anton Corridor and Wellbeing Quarter to discover how the town centre could be transformed:
Frequently asked questions
If you have any questions about the masterplan for the town, take a look through our FAQs to find out more about our plans and how the project will progress over the next few years.