Artist impression of the River Anton from the Andover Masterplan
Western Avenue redevelopment
One of the first key projects of the town’s regeneration will be to transform the area around Western Avenue, which will see the creation of a picturesque park as well as a stunning riverside walk south of Bridge Street to further showcase the town’s charming River Anton water source.
Latest News: Planned highways works: Western Avenue and West Street
Update: October 2024
On Monday 28 October 2024, Hampshire County Council (HCC) will commence a series of highways survey works along Western Avenue, West Street and Waterloo Court. The works will take around five weeks to complete.
The surveys are being carried out to assess the ground conditions ahead of Test Valley Borough Council progressing plans to develop a new picturesque park alongside the River Anton, which will provide an attractive route for pedestrians and cyclists, whilst improving the ecological habitat. The survey works are required to support the submission of a planning application.
HCC will carry out the highways works across small sections of the roads, which may result on occasion in one lane along Western Avenue being closed. We suggest accounting for this when planning your journey through the town.
Vehicles will still be able to use the roads during this time and there will be no full road closures at any stage.
Access to nearby car parks on West Street and the Chantry Centre will not be affected and the bus station will remain fully accessible.
Previously restored section of the River Anton at Rooksbury Mill Local Nature Reserve
Marking the start of the next phase of Andover’s town centre regeneration, works are due to commence to sections of the River Anton this year with ecological enhancements to protect the natural chalk stream, its wildlife and plants.
With support from Test Valley Borough Council and Hampshire County Council, Southern Water is leading the restoration project using funds from the Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP). The WINEP initiative aims to support water companies and their primary role in providing a resilient supply of water to the public and protecting and enhancing the environment, which includes restoring good ecological health to chalk streams.