Council seeking new lead operator for the Lower Guildhall

Test Valley Borough Council has an exciting opportunity for an established food and drink business to become a vibrant part of Andover town centre. 

 The Council is seeking to identify a lead operator to run the café/restaurant within the ground floor of The Andover Guildhall. 

The Guildhall (a listed building) is positioned at the heart of the High Street, opposite where the new theatre is being developed, and this area is pivotal to the future development of the town centre.

We are looking for a business which will attract footfall from daytime through to the evening, offering breakfast, lunch, dinner, and drinks, and help drive our vision for the town centre, as described in the Andover Masterplan.   

In addition to a core food and beverage offer the lead operator will be expected to work with representatives from the Council and collaborate with other local businesses and cultural organisations to develop a curated programme of events within the space and support the wider events programme in the town centre. 

The Guildhall is currently fully equipped to operate as a restaurant. Operators are invited to use the space in its current layout and condition to allow for timely activation, and together with the Council, identify improvements that would enhance operational efficiencies and customer appeal in due course.  

Target Audience

The ideal operator will cater to a wide range of customers, including local residents, families, professionals and tourists.

Key Criteria for the new operator

The lead operator should meet the following core criteria which includes:   

  • Experience in operating a commercial hospitality business, demonstrated through a robust business plan.    

  • A clear alignment with the Andover place brand values.    

  • Willing to work in partnership with the Council, other local businesses and third-party hirers of the High Street, regarding events and markets and how they can align with the offer at the Lower Guildhall.  

  • Willing to work in partnership with Test Valley Borough Council in the approach to branding and marketing of the space.  

  •   A commitment to activate the space at the earliest opportunity in the months ahead.    

  • An offer which is welcoming and inclusive and is of high quality.  

  • A commitment to core operating days and times. Operators are requested to specify opening hours within their proposal.  

  • A creative and flexible approach to work with the special interest of the Grade II listed building. Suppliers that are prepared to use the space “as is” with future enhancement to the space possible with support from the Council.  

Important information

Please click the button below to read further details of the terms, financial arrangements and other important information.

Expressions of interest

Proposals and Timeline

Expressions of interest must be submitted to Tom Blackwell at by Friday 10th May 2024.

Businesses will also have the opportunity to visit the operating space. Please contact Tom at if you would like to arrange an appointment.

Selection Process

Businesses will be asked to submit a detailed business plan and supporting documents. Proposals will be reviewed by a panel of officers based on the applicant's experience, proposed concept, and alignment with the Council’s vision for The Guildhall. Shortlisted candidates will then be invited to discuss their ideas in more detail.

We encourage enthusiastic and experienced businesses to submit their expressions of interest by the deadline. This is a unique opportunity to work collaboratively with Test Valley Borough Council to operate within the prime town centre location.  

 Should any business feel they would not like to submit a proposal at this time but would be open to future opportunities to work with the lead operator in this space please let us know.