to Jul 31

Upcoming Events

Due to the current circumstances related to the COVID-19 virus all engagement events have been put on hold. We hope you are all keeping safe and we will be back in touch again as soon as the situation allows.

Click here to see our past events

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Bridge Street Pop-up, Stakeholder event & Second Online Survey
to Dec 15

Bridge Street Pop-up, Stakeholder event & Second Online Survey

The emerging spatial framework proposals were presented to the public at a 5-day pop-up shop on Bridge Street running from 11th -15th of December. Almost 600 people attended with the majority of feedback both positive and supportive.

For those who were not able to attend the proposals were available to view on-line. A survey was available both at the pop up shop and on-line allowing the team to gather feedback. The second online survey ran from 11th December through to 17th of January 2020. More than 500 responses were received. 

On the evening of the 11th December the team presented the emerging proposals to approximately 100 invited stakeholders at St. Mary’s Church.

Attendees were then divided into groups and asked to analyse the proposals: strengths, weaknesses, gaps & priorities. A brief summary of the responses is provided below:


• Bold, ambitious, logical plans and believable

• Improving connectivity across the town centre 

• Creation of the new space and opening up the Chantry Centre making it more public

• Variety of open spaces and how they are connected

• Access to the river - but need to balance ecology /openness but also like the idea of cafés and restaurants at gd fl.

• Making more of a civic use of the Guildhall

• Bringing the Lights into the heart of the community

• Like the idea of bringing residential into the town centre


• Need a wider study on the routes into the town centre.

• Could be difficult for businesses to manage change

• Are green spaces big enough?

• Sainsbury’s is ugly and needs to go

• Are we considering the aging population enough who can not always walk and cycle

• Will reducing the roads be future proof

• What if Simplyhealth leave in the future? The building needs to be adaptable.


• Move the museum into the town centre

• More consideration for street lighting, trees, recycling bins, cycle storage

• Dedicated spot to busk

• Public facilities

• Library

• What is the USP?

• Hotel / conference centre

• Cycle lanes

• Public transport


• Redevelopment of the Chantry Centre

• Events in the town centre to bring in footfall

• Communication and a clear plan for moving forward (timescales)

• Enticing investment

• Removing the Highway to make the most of the river and improve access for pedestrians and cyclists.

• Keeping people in the town centre

• Council offices in the town centre + job centre to bring in jobs

• Improving the night time economy

• Creating a community

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Help shape Andover town centre
to Dec 15

Help shape Andover town centre

HemingwayDesign and NEW masterplanning are working closely with Test Valley Borough Council to create a vision and masterplan for Andover town centre that will define Andover for generations to come.

Following feedback from almost 3,000 Andover residents, workers, students and visitors the project team have been developing ideas for improving the town centre. We would like your thoughts on the emerging proposals.

Please drop in from Wednesday December 11 to Sunday December 15 to view our initial design ideas. Members of the design team will be on hand December 11 and 12 with the Test Valley Borough Council team attending December 11 to 15 to answer questions and seek your feedback.

4 Bridge Street, Andover , SP10 1BH

Wednesday 11 to Saturday 14 December 10am - 5pm

Sunday 15 December 10am - 3pm

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