In June 2019 HemingwayDesign, NEW Masterplanning and a team of experienced consultants won Test Valley Borough Council’s competitive bidding process to develop a masterplan and vision for Andover town centre, that will help define Andover for generations to come.

Andover is an exemplar of a medium sized market town that was subject to growth pressures in the late 20th century and is now facing difficulties. This project is an opportunity for Andover to become a positive role model nationally showing how these issues can be overcome through collaborative, imaginative and community-focused regeneration.

Test Valley Borough Council’s vision for Andover is to develop a connected, green, healthy, enterprising and thriving civic centre the masterplan is focused on people and place and driven forward with the principles of co-design.

Click below to take a look at the final masterplan for Andover town centre.

Final masterplan for Andover town centre

Click here to see the final masterplan for Andover town centre, watch three brand new flythrough videos  and read our FAQs.